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Scholarship Opportunities

Our EWISP and ASIST scholarships are available to help you reach your educational and career goals. Applications open in February. Scholarships are awarded at both the Chapter and Corporate level.

More Information Donate to Scholarship Fund

"Join EWI today"

"EWI provides an opportunity for professionals who believe that leadership is something within all of us to come together and develop our skills and ourselves. Through service, volunteering, partnering, creating, designing, mentoring, acting and supporting - members of EWI thrive in their careers and their communities. I highly encourage anyone looking for a community of professionals that believe in being your best self to join EWI and do it today!."

Cortney Ihde, ActionCoach, EWI of Milwaukee


"EWI breeds leaders"

"My favorite thing about EWI is that it develops a true desire to help others. Whether it is a philanthropic initiative or just encouraging a fellow member to excel and walk in the potential they were design for! EWI empowers us to make a difference in a life that otherwise would not be affected unless an organization of extraordinary individuals reached out. EWI breeds leaders of excellence, if we think about it, those leaders are the very fiber of what our businesses, communities, churches and organizations are woven from."

Benita Collins, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, EWI of Dallas